





2017-06-26 09:53:00来源:网络


  For women feminist literary critic, the subjectivity versus objectivity, or critic-as-artist-or-scientist, debate has special political significance, and her definition will court special risks whichever side of the issue it favors.


  (court 招致【MWC】to act so as to invite or provoke)


  If she defines feminist criticism as objective and scientific, the definition precludes the critic-as-artist approach and may impede accomplishment of the utilitarian political objectives of those who seek to change the academic establishment.


  (关于 the X establishment,牛津双解)


  If she defines feminist criticism as creative and intuitive, privileged as art, then her work becomes vulnerable to the prejudices of stereotypic ideas about the ways in which women think, and will be dismissed by much of the academic establishment.



  These questions are political in the sense that the debate over them will inevitably be less an exploration of abstract matters in a spirit of disinterested inquiry than an academic power struggle in which the careers and professional fortunes of many women scholars -- only now entering the academic profession in substantial numbers -- will be at stake, and with them the chances for a distinctive contribution to humanistic understanding, a contribution that might be an important influence against sexism in our society.(186 words)

  这些问题是政治性的,在于它们引起的争论难免沦为学术权力的争斗,而非本着无偏私的态度探索抽象事物,这种争斗拿女性学者的职业与学术命运 —— 只不过现在专门从事学术工作的人多了 —— 冒险,这些问题也影响女性学者在人文主义理解方面做出独特贡献,而这些贡献在当今社会对于反对性别歧视,可能发挥重要作用。

  (主干:The questions are political in the sense that the debate will be less A than B .

  at stake 受争议的状态,处于危险境地,冒风险

  …and with them(指代句首的 these questions) the chances…其实是个比较隐蔽的 省略句,前面说 careers and professional fortunes will be at stake,补全这个省略应该是,and with them the chances (blablabla 修饰成分) will be at stake too .

  political 有点 “超纲” ,根据 MWC 和 AHD 的解释,大多是关于政府与政治的,但本文中出现的这个 political 我个人认为更符合牛津高阶双解给出的以下定义:


  For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply

  1. The author specifically mentions all of the following as difficulties that particularly affect women who are theoreticians of feminist literary criticism

  A tendency of a predominantly male academic establishment to form preconceptions about women

  B limitations that are imposed when criticism is defined as objective and scientific

  C likelihood that the work of a woman theoretician who claims the privilege of art will be viewed with prejudice by some academics

  选 ABC

  A 根据在句 3,…about the ways in which women think…,这里作者暗示我们,这种不待见是因为台上多数是男人。

  B 根据在句 2 。

  C 根据在句 3 。

  2.Which of the following is presented by the author in support of the suggestion that there is stereotypic thinking among members of the academic establishment?

  (A) A distinctively feminist contribution to humanistic understanding could work against the influence of sexism among members of the academic establishment.

  (B) Women who define criticism as artistic may be seen by the academic establishment as being incapable of critical thinking.

  (C) The debate over the role of the literary critic is often seen as a political one.

  (D) Women scholars are only now entering academia in substantial numbers.

  (E) The woman who is a critic is forced to construct a theory of literary criticism.

  选 B


  看到题干的 stereotypic 我们扔定位在句 3:

  then her work becomes vulnerable to the prejudices of stereotypic ideas about the ways in which women think, and will be dismissed by much of the academic establishment.

  stereotypic ideas 是谁的?是男人的,因为女人对女人的思考方式不会有偏见(尽管未必认同),如果有的女人对女人有偏见,那很不幸说明她受到了社会上主流的男性观点的影响。

  可推论出作者认为,男性学者不理解某些女学者的感性,认为这与批判思维不相容,这是一种偏见,所以选 B 。

  3 .It can be inferred that the author would define as " political " questions (in the second paragraph) that

  (A) are contested largely through contentions over power

  (B) are primarily academic in nature and open to abstract analysis

  (C) are not in themselves important

  (D) cannot be resolved without extensive debate

  (E) will be debated by both men and women

  选 A

  我认为译文中提出的释义,以及有足够的说服力 ——


  These questions are political in the sense that the debate over them will inevitably be less an exploration of abstract matters in a spirit of disinterested inquiry than an academic power struggle in which …



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