





2018-05-01 15:39:00来源:网络



  4, Richard M. Russell said 52 percent of the nation’s growth since the Second World War had (i) ______ invention. He said, (ii) ______ research, the government’s greatest role in assuring continuing innovation is promoting a strong, modern patent office. “Unless we can (iii)

  ______ original ideas, we will not have invention,” Mr.Russell said. Speculating on the state of innovation over the next century, several inventors agreed that the future lay in giving children the tools to think creatively and the motivation to invent.

  Blank(i) A, been at the expense of 以…为代价 B, no bearing on 与…无关 C, come through 通过…而来

  Blank(ii) D, in addition to restricting 除了限制之外 E, aside from supporting 除了支持之外 F, far from exaggerating 完全不夸大

  Blank(iii)G, evaluate 评价 H, protect 保护 I, disseminate 散布

  这道题通读之后,先选择关系最明确的空格(iii)来做 (iii) 题型:反义重复

  思路:1, Unless A, B 相当于 A= Not B

  2, 因为B=not have invention, 所以空格(iii)*original ideas=have invention 3, 只有选H,protect(保护)原创创意,我们才能有发明。 (i) 题型:同义并列重复




  2,空格(i)符合“创造和发明是好的”含义的选项只有C。 (ii) 题型:同义并列重复

  思路: 1, 空格(ii)也要表达“创造和发明是好的”的正评价态度,并且空格(ii)和“assuring

  continuing innovation”的施动主语都是”the government”。

  2, 所以空格(ii)和“assuring continuing innovation”为同义重复。所以只有E为 正确答案。

  5, Statements presented as fact in a patent application are (i) ______ unless a good reason for doubt is found. The invention has only to be deemed “more likely than not” to work in order to receive initial approval. And, although thousands of patents are challenged in court for other reasons, no incentive exists for anyone to expend effort (ii) ______ the science of an erroneous patent. For this reason the endless stream of (iii) ______ devices will continue to yield occasional patents.

  Blank(i) A, presumed verifiable 被假设为可被证实的 B

  , carefully scrutinized 被仔细审查的

  C, considered capricious 被认为反复无常的

  Blank(ii) D, corroborating 证实,支持 E, advancing 促进 F, debunking 揭穿

  Blank(iii)G, novel 新的 H, bogus 伪造的

  I, obsolete 废弃的,过时的 (i) 题型:反义重复

  思路:1, Unless A, B 相当于 A= Not B

  2, 因为B= a good reason for doubt is found(可以被质疑), 所以空格(i)= 不可被质疑。


  (ii) 题型:反义转折重复

  思路:1,although A, B相当于 A=Not B

  2,A= patents are challenged, B= no incentive exists …to expend effort (ii)

  ______ 3,空格(ii)=challenged,所以选项F, debunking(揭穿)为正确答案 (iii) 题型:同义因果重复

  思路:1, 因为A, 所以B 相当于A=B

  2, A=没有人有incentive去揭穿错误专利

  3,选项H, bogus(伪造的)最接近A能导致的结果,也就是“不断地会有伪造 的设备不断产生不必然的专利”

  6, Ever a demanding reader of the fiction of others, the novelist Chase was likewise often the object of ______ analyses by his contemporaries.

  A, exacting 苛求的 B, copious 丰富的 C, respectful 有礼貌的 D, acerbic 刻薄的

  E, scathing 苛责的,痛斥的 F, meticulous 极其仔细的 题型:同义并列

  思路:1, A, likewise B相当于 A=B

  2, A= Chase是对其他小说苛求的读者, B=Chase是被其他同期小说家所______分析


  3, 空格= demanding,解题重点是demanding的含义,这里不是需求,而是高要求

  也可理解为费力费神也就是requiring much time, effort, or attention

  4, A和F为demanding的同义重复,所以是答案。而D和E虽为近义词,但感情


  7, Her______ should not be confused with miserliness; as long as I have known her, she has always been willing to assist those who are in need.

  A, stinginess 吝啬 B, diffidence 羞怯 C, frugality 节俭 D, illiberality 吝啬 E, intolerance 不宽容 F, thrift 节俭 题型:同义并列

  思路:1, A;B相当于A=B

  2, 空格填入的内容要表明”Her”所具备的属性,首先感情色彩与”willing to assist “ 取同,为正评价。


  3, 所以排除负评价词汇ADE, 剩下BCF, 其中B不符合含义。答案为C和F。 8, A misconception frequently held by novice writers is that sentence structure mirrors thought: the more convoluted the structure, the more______ the ideas.

  A, complicated 复杂

  B, engaged 占用,卷入矛盾

  C, essential 基本的,必要的

  D, fanciful 幻想的

  E, inconsequential 不重要的,不合逻辑的

  F, involved 复杂的 题型:同义并列

  思路:1,冒号相当于等号,is 也相当于等号

  2,A misconception=sentence structure mirrors thought= convoluted=空格 3,答案为A和F

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