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  218"In order for any work of art—whether film, literature, sculpture, or a song—to have merit, it must be understandable to most people."


  218 部分同意 1、有些艺术作品只有 understandable 才能被接受 No matter they were written by any languages, they share a common characteristic: the popularity among the masses.Nowadays few ones would deny the greatness of Shakespeare’ s plays. The reason why his masterpieces' merit can be acknowledged universally is largely that most people all over the world can understand them and appreciate their sophisticated plots and adroit usages of language. 2、有很高艺术价值的作品并不一定大家都理解,专家才理解 The examples of Van Gogh and Savadori Dali can support this point of view. At the time of Van Gogh l, few people can understand Van Gogh l's labeled master pieces, the Sunflowers. Beethoven symphony, not many can understand the underlying meaning, rhythm meter, compositional style; though cannot understand it, but can enjoy and appreciate the wonderful melody and inspiring rhythm. 3、流行艺术有 large audience 但不一定有很高艺术价值 soap opera; pop music; hardly have enduring popularity, superficial, do not lead audience into deep thinking; merely for recreation

  218 对大部分的艺术来说,欣赏发生在人们与作品接触的那一刻,过深过难于理解会阻碍人们对于艺术的鉴赏,不 能让观众得到美的享受。反面例子,正因为印象派的作品在当时太难理解,甚至有丰富知识和经验的评论加都不理 解,不利于人们的欣赏 艺术作品不一定需要人们的理解。一方面:因为人们的知识有限,所以不可能完全揣摸出艺术作品所代表的作者的 真实想法,但是只要能够欣赏就足够了。比如:对于某些外语歌曲,虽然由于语言障碍听不懂作者的意思,但是只 要我们听到以后感到很美,那它就是有价值的。如有些诗,我们不能体会作者的真实意思,只要我们的精神得到放 松也行;另一方面:艺术作品正是因为不容易被理解,才有了见仁见智的感受,才给人想象力,才 full of humor and wit,才有价值; “一千个人眼中就有一千个哈姆雷特” hamlet,你能说有谁真正读懂了莎士比亚么?(Shakespeare) , 但这不影响 hamlet to be a noted masterpiece. 一个艺术作品如果不是作者真实情感,passion,desire 的表现,而是为了迎合观众或者让大多数人理解,那它就 很难有长久的价值。比如很多无聊的商业片,虽然短时期被大多数人欢迎,但却不被评论家看好,很快就会被大家 遗忘。

  218 【题目】In order for any work of art-whether film, literature, sculpture, or a song-to have merit, it must be understandable to most people. 【总频 26】 【翻译】任何的艺术作品为了有价值,例如电影、文学、雕塑或者歌曲,都必须让大多数人易于理解。 【提纲】 (1)艺术作品的价值与大多数人是否理解是没有关系的,一个艺术作品只要是作者的真实情感、感受、想法的表达, 那它就是有价值的。 According to what Freud has said(and I paraphrased) art, in essence, is a kind of release of individual lust, converting the human libido into plentiful creativity. It is through the work of art that artists express their passions, emotions, and desires. From this we can see, art is therefore, first and foremost, concerning with the inner world rather than with the outside one as a whole. Austria, neurologist (2)艺术作品不一定需要人们的理解。一方面:因为人们的知识有限,也不是每个人都是心理学家,所以不可能完 全揣摸出艺术作品所代表的作者的真实想法,但是只要能够欣赏就足够了。比如:对于某些音乐作品,只要我们听 到以后感到很美或者心灵受到撞击,那它就是有价值的。如有些诗,我们不能体会作者的真实意思,但是我们感受 得到诗中作者的感情和情趣;另一方面:艺术作品正是因为不容易被理解,才有了见仁见智的感受,才给人想象力, 才 full of humor and wit,才有价值;”一千个人眼中就有一千个哈姆雷特” hamlet,你能说有谁真正读懂了莎士比 亚么?(Shakespeare),但这不影响 hamlet to be a noted masterpiece. (3)一个艺术作品如果不是忠于作者的真实想法,而是为了迎合观众或者让大多数人理解,那它就很难有长久的价 值。比如很多无聊的商业片,虽然被大多数人欢迎,但却不被评论家看好,很快就会被大家遗忘。

  218. 艺术必须被理解 一、implicit definition, sundered into generally and personally, otherwise misguide

  二、generally,One standard of merit in an art work, generally as mentioned above, regards to the contribution it gives to the field. 1. 艺术创作条件 2. limited to tradition.. 刚开始 tarnished 3.梵高不被当代人认同,beyond the ken,所以不能找到 sympathetic ear 4.从这个角度,艺术只有少部分人能懂,像二十世纪之前的欧洲,noble, 有闲阶级 not a mundane stuff that everyone appreciates, but as noble as it was in Europe before the 20th century, where a few people so-called leisured class really comprehend.

  三、个人 it requires a major act of will to believe that art is inaccessible to the public 1.意味着给个人带来的效用 here comes the second standard of merit that the value of art is determined by the utility it offers to an individual 2.To this extent,艺术就不是 luxury。所有的艺术都能且应该 exposed to the masses 3.只要能带给人快乐,启发,entertains or inspires 就是 merit,即使对领域没啥贡献 4. 人们的标准可能不一样,审美观不一样,因此对艺术价值的评价也就不一样。比如一首歌拯救一个人的灵魂,但 make no sense to me 四、因此不能一概而论。 1.Combining the two aspects of defining merit, an artistic work is meritorious either when it instills new blood in the sphere, no matter whether it is intelligible to most people, or when it brings about utility to individuals which means being understood first, although it may have nothing to do with the realm. 2.除非两边都 fail 了 3.Speaker 只考虑了一方面,所以 hardly suffice to support the conclusion without the other way that the work is significant to art field.

  218T "In order for any work of art— whether film, literature, sculpture, or a song—to have merit, it must be understandable to most people." 218. 艺术作品要有价值,不管是电影、文学还是歌曲,都必须能 让大多数人们理解 ① 对大部分的艺术来说,欣赏发生在人们与作品接触的那一刻,过深过难于理解会阻碍人们对于艺术的鉴赏 art is a luxury that most people either have no access to or simply cannot appreciate.。如:看摄影作品、 听音乐,我们并不看重使用了多少技巧,用的是什么节奏或旋律。 ② 但有一些作品,其作者的思考已经超出了当代人太多,需要一定的时间来让人们理解。如:Vincent Gogh Sunflower, Starry night ③ 另一方面,被大众所接受并不是一个充分条件。如:很多流行的东西经过时间的洗刷都退色了。Popular arts that have the largest audience do not necessarily have the highest artistic value. 所以,总体而言,既非必要也非充分条件。


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