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  GRE写作题库精讲之为达目标不择手段 。本文整理关于GRE写作题目提纲精讲,为考生提供GRE作文范文写作思路和方法指导。希望对大家GRE写作提分有所帮助。以下是GRE写作题库精讲为达目标不择手段 题目思路解析。GRE写作题库逐题精讲及issue提纲大全



  212"If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable."


  212 不同意 1、承认为了一些正当的符合大多数人利益的目标,人们有时不得不借助不良手段,如战争 For example, to gain freedom and equality of the majority, the people have to choose war in the revolution, even though such actions mean violation with the laws and conflicts with the interests of the governor. Suppose they obey the laws all the time even when their interests are seriously hurt, or they tend to achieve social revolution through a more smooth way, their goals would never be met, because revolution always means violent conflicts between the governor and the governed, rendering such approaches intrinsically unrealistic. 2、但是有些人为了自己的利益和目标不择手段,损害他人和社会的利益 目标有价值的前提下要根据目标实现方式带来的后果确定是否采用该方式 对自己对他人都有利,或者至少对他人无伤害的方式可以采用;对自己有利,但伤害他人利益的不可用 business leaders to do intentional harm to their customers or to the society in which they operate— for example, by providing dangerous products and by polluting natural environment for the goal of profit maximization. professors plagiarize other’s paper in the process of study. 3、如果采用的方式没有经过深入考虑,缺少三思后行,虽然本意是好的,但也不可取,因为会对目标达成带来反面 影响 The leaders of Soviet Russia want to make the industry of the country more advanced; make its economy more flourishing. But the leaders made a wrong decision to resort to an improper policy which limited the direction of scientists' investigation. As the leaders are not familiar with science, most of their opinions are improper. But the policy enforced the Soviet Russia scientists abort some excellent plans. And in such way, Soviet Russia lost many resources and was transcended by America. Though the wishes of Soviet Russia leaders are good, the means they resorted to is not justifiable and eventually cause a negative effect.

  212. 如果一个目标是值得的,那么为达到该目标所采取的任何手段都是合理的。

  商业:不对,要合法 政治:有时候对,有时候也不对,对敌人,对人民 自然科学:基本上对 艺术:也基本上对,但是不要损害社会利益和政府的共信力

  ISSUE212 为达目标不择手段 1 目标是必须的!!!必须有持之以恒的精神,但是并不像作者说的那么简单。 2 为达到目标不择手段是错误的,比如奥运会,为了赢得冠军,运动员兴奋剂 3 目标能否大达到,比如永动机 4 达到的目标是不是有很多条路,那么我们应该考虑的长远以及 profits。比如,Lakers 想要在未来夺得总冠军, 有两条路,第一买一个昂贵的成熟的球员,这会使他们明年就可能得到总冠军,当俱乐部会财政危急;另一个是用 很少的钱买几个很有潜力的新秀,……那么很明显,我们应该选择第二条路,虽然目标会稍微晚点儿达到。

  212 如果一个目标是值得的,那么追求目标的任何手段都是正当的。 大负小正: 1.对于与自身的目的 purpose 有关的事情的实现会不择手段 by any kind of means 对社会的秩序的破坏。

  e.g.恐怖袭击,被那些人认为是圣战 Jihad,却给其他人带来了恐怖和威胁 e.g.恶性竞争是市场混乱,利用贬低对手来抬高自己,百事可乐的广告将可口可乐当作垫脚砖。 e.g.学生为提高分数,不择手段,夹带,隐形耳机,学术作假,整形嫁接论文 e.g.医生为了提高收入,不顾病人死活。 2.这种行为有时却是必要而正确的 e.g.当有危害社会秩序及国家安全时,将不择手段来阻止其发生,如反恐,反毒。

  主观点 TS,还是不同意,应该以更合理的方式解决问题,否则只会给社会带来危害。

  212 先定义 worthy. Welfare >harm/opportunity cost 当 cost 适当时,是可以的。对个人而言,比如,一个 人为了更好的完成工作,选择在 deadline 前废寝忘食,到头来伤害了自己的身体。完全可以用更好的安排代替短期 的突击。 对国家而言,比如,国家为了提高人们的福利待遇是对的,但是过分的提高税收则会提高成本,降低利润, 影响经济的发展。 在 worthy 的前提下,还要合法。如:一公司以非法手段窃得另一个公司股票,终合并。可能经济效益大,但不 合法。会给以后带来不好的影响。还要考虑道德问题。生物学家,花钱使用其助手的卵子 germ cell, 安乐死科学 界的剽窃或者作假(如哈福教授伪造科研数据被开除 We should be alert to the possibility that individuals, organizations or governments tend to plead a worthy goal in excuse of their contemptible means and private interests。如:Hitler 为了自己的政治目 标,不择手段,结果给世界人民带来了重大灾难

  212.不择手段达到目的 一、无论对于个人还是社会,坚持都很重要,但 take expectation 任何手段都可以。因为 moderation 也很重要, 尤其社会的目标通常结果都不知道 not clear 二、确实需要要付出很多才能有伟大的进步 1.对个人,历史告诉我们scientists只有坚持who ultimately made significant contribution to human beings indeed devoted themselves to their research field. 2.Fleming,Curie 3.社会方面,对自由的追求 Gandhi,社会改革邓小平 三、suspend the conclusion that the speaker draws for we cannot deny moderation's necessity. 1.对于个人 in personal targets,moderation often keeps the balance in our bodies, minds and spirits. 2.日常生活,obesity 带来 heart disease or diabetes,但是过度节食 losing weight through going on diet 会导致 anorexia 3. 熬夜工作,physical disorder, 精神上 burn out 四、With respect to societal goals, it has something to do with the blurred value of goals which make the issue more complex. 1.Saving species, art funding, reserving old buildings, controversial, at discussing 2.在 value crystallize 之前,政府应该 reconsider “any means” 五、而且拿给政府决定是错误的 1.It is fallacious to delegate... 2. No superior should be allowed to enforce... 3. 军备竞赛二战,lasting and exhausting 核问题

  212T "If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable." 212. 只要一个目标是值得 去实现的,那么任何努力都是有理由的。 ① 先定义 worthy. Welfare >harm/opportunity cost 当 cost 适当时,是可以的。对个人而言,如:courier 夫妇 对国家而言,如:效率和公平。 ② 在 worthy 的前提下,还要合法。如:一公司以非法手段窃得另一个公司股票,终合并。可能经济效益大, 但不合法。会给以后带来不好的影响。

  ③ 还要考虑道德问题。生物学家,花钱使用其助手的卵子 germ cell, 安乐死 euthanasia ④ We should be alert to the possibility that individuals, organizations or governments tend to plead a worthy goal in excuse of their contemptible means and private interests。如:Hitler A. Theoretically, the means taken should be consistent with the ends in view. B. However, in order to restore peace and social order, individual states or the international community has repeatedly used force in history. C. We should be alert to the possibility that individuals, organizations or governments tend to plead a worthy goal in excuse of their contemptible means and private interests.


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