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  GRE写作题库精讲之定义文化 。本文整理关于GRE写作题目提纲精讲,为考生提供GRE作文范文写作思路和方法指导。希望对大家GRE写作提分有所帮助。以下是GRE写作题库精讲定义文化 题目思路解析。GRE写作题库逐题精讲及issue提纲大全



  207"Rituals and ceremonies help define a culture. Without them, societies or groups of people have a diminished sense of who they are."


  207 1、承认 rituals and ceremonies 帮助定义文化 Countless ceremonies of Indians show their traditional owl to the cryptic nature, respect their homeland, and worship to their great ancestors; The ceremony of Christmas represent their religionary believe to Christ; and the spring festival of China show a traditional emphasize on family welfare and a optimist emotion that wish tomorrow be better. 2、但随着全球化的发展,一些 ceremonies 逐渐成为全球文化,没有明显的定义 For instance, the Christmas Day, which represents the culture of western world, is now celebrated by a considerable amount of people from eastern countries. And we can often see people from Japan or South Korea enjoying their Valentine’s Day on television, which is impossible to imagine in the past few centuries. 3、文化定义不一定只有 rituals and ceremonies,还体现在生活中 the way we think, the things we value, the way we solve problems, detail of our behavior It is culture that makes a joke that make an Englishman laugh to tears bores a Frenchman; it is culture that makes American open-minded and aggressive and Chinese implicative and modest; and it is culture make there are a lot of french artists and German scientists

  207 同意前半句,反对后半句。 礼节和典礼确实有助于定义一个文化,比如:中国的春节家人团聚体现着中国文化中的统一,放炮,西方国家的圣 诞节,就是代表了两种不同的文化。伊斯兰 Islamic 的斋月 Ramadan,A fast is held from sunrise to sunset, that is carried out during this period.成为伊斯兰文化的象征 但是礼节和典礼并不是唯一的定义文化的方面,因此也不会因为没有这些,社会和团体就会逐渐迷失自我,因为还 有很多其他的方面,比如:穿着阿拉伯人女子戴纱巾,语言,习惯中国人适用筷子 chopstick 而西方人用刀叉 knife and fork,艺术中国的山水画 traditional Chinese painting 与西方的油画 oil painting,生活方式等等。

  此外,有些礼节和典礼可能是不太好的方面,应该逐渐被取代,其中的很多礼节都是不太合理或者过于苛刻的,因 此有时候这些礼节的消失不会不会让社会和团体迷失自己,反而还代表着社会的一种进步。比如:古代奴隶社会时 期曾经有适用活人来祭祀的仪式 sacrifice,还有葬礼仪式上用活人陪葬的 be buried with the dead

  207 【题目】Rituals and ceremonies help define a culture. Without them, societies or groups of people have a diminished sense of who they are. 【总频 25】 【翻译】礼节和典礼有助于定义一个文化。如果没有这些,社会或者团体就会逐渐地迷失自我。 【提纲】 (1)同意前半句,反对后半句。 (2)礼节和典礼确实有助于定义一个文化,比如:中国的春节,西方国家的圣诞节,就是代表了两种不同的文化。

  (3)但是礼节和典礼并不是唯一的定义文化的方面,因此也不会因为没有这些,社会和团体就会逐渐迷失自我,因 为还有很多其他的方面,比如:穿着,语言,习惯,艺术等等。 (4)此外,有些礼节和典礼可能是不太好的方面,应该逐渐被取代,比如:中国古代要求子女为长辈下跪,如果父 母去世,要厚葬,陪葬很多奢侈品,有些地方还规定三年守孝,不能结婚等等,其中的很多礼节都是不太合理或者 过于苛刻的,因此有时候这些礼节的消失不会不会让社会和团体迷失自己,反而还代表着社会的一种进步。

  207.礼节和典礼定义文化 一、确实可以 identify,但其实只是 form, 人们 still behave in particular way 因为典礼只是 forms that perform the content 二、empirical evidences lend credence to the fact that rituals and ceremonies indeed define a culture 1.感恩节春节 2.The way say hi 三、全球化使得这些消失 globalization without unique rituals and ceremonies made people feel assimilation 1.如中国人庆祝圣诞节 2.放弃 unnecessary and over-elaborate formalities and turn to international standards 3.Language, suit, civility during western dinner 四、但从行为可以反映 people need not to be confused or worried about the question that who they are stemming from the disappearance of traditional rituals and ceremonies, because the way they handle affairs will answer it silently. 日本人,美国人,德国人,中国人 五、其实这些只是表面 It is because neither rituals nor ceremonies are the essence of a culture that people still behave in specific cultural ways without certain rituals and ceremonies, merely forms exhibiting the content. 1.美国是对自由的追求,mainstream ideology 2. 中国是 Confucianism 3. 根深蒂固,像 congenital,have people conscious of

  207T "Rituals and ceremonies help define a culture. Without them, societies or groups of people have a diminished sense of who they are." 207. 典礼和仪式有助于给一种文化下定义。没有典礼和仪式,人们就 无法很好地了解自己。 ① I agree with the speaker insofar as one purpose of ritual and ceremony in today's world is to preserve cultural identity. ② Rituals and ceremonies 只是形式,是由文化的真正内容所决定的。中国的过年.把 beast 吓走 ③ 由于只是形式,内容可以用多种方式表现。如:Arab, Islamic; song and dance performances Jazz 表达 心中的美好希望 Ritual and ceremony are not the only means of preserving cultural identity.

  B. Preserving cultural identity cannot be the mere purpose of ritual and ceremony. In fact, isolated cultures that do not need to distinguish themselves to preserve their identity nevertheless engage in their own distinct rituals and ceremonies. The initial purpose of ritual and ceremony is rooted not in cultural identity but rather superstition and spiritual belief.


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