





2017-01-09 07:51:24来源:网络




  203"The best way to understand the character of a society is to examine the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its heroines."


  203 有些英雄不能代表社会特点,也可以有其他了解社会的方式 1、承认有些社会英雄反映了该社会的特点 America, heroes or heroines are characterized as potent individuals who can save groups of people, the nation or even the whole world in crises. It is the reflection of the individualism in western countries. Such heroes include President Washington, who overcame unprecedented obstacles and hardship to unite the continental army and latter established the United States, and President Lincoln, who freed the American blacks in the south and reunited the nation during the Civil War. On the other hand, in eastern countries, such as China where collectivism is highly valued, heroes or heroines are characterized as of high sense of self-sacrifice for the interests of the group or the whole nation. 2、有些英雄人物代表的精神正是社会缺乏的 people regard those heroes and heroines because they can realize people’s mutual dreams and goals which seem to be unattainable to people themselves. Saint Joan of Arc, the heroines who have been eulogized by French people for many generations, bravely organized the French armies to fight against the British invaders. Similarly, Mulan, the Chinese girl who served in the army force instead of her silk father also won respect and admiration from world people. their superb qualities are not what the French and Chinese women have 3、还有其他了解社会的方式,如 culture, customs and histories of the country. For instance, the studies of the rituals in Japan and Brazil will clearly tell you the notable differences of the characters of these two nations. With the research on the histories of China and Great Britain, you will also be well informed about the distinct characters of the two societies maybe as well as the roots of the characters.

  ISSUE203 了解一个社会特点的好方法就是了解社会选什么样的人当英雄 1 社会的确可以通过一个人来认识社会的特点。一方面我们可以通过英雄来了解社会普遍的价值。比如美国的三个 总统。华盛顿代表了美国社会对个人利益的尊重;林肯代表了美国社会的自由与平等;罗斯福代表了美国社会的正 义感以及工作热情。这些正是美国社会的特点。通过不同的时期的英雄,我们可以了解不同时代的社会价值,比如 抗日战争。 2 通过了解英雄并不能够全面的了解一个社会。了解一个社会,应该了解它的教育。比如美国的教育 individuality。 美国的教育很重视个人实际才能而不是非常重视分数。 3 我们要了解一个社会我们还应该了解人们言行举止。比如我们日本人;比如阿拉伯妇女

  203 hero 代表的是一个国家所推崇的道德与精神。爱国主义 patriotism 如:圣女贞德。Joan of Arc 1412-1431)

  参考事迹:英法大战中投入保卫祖国的队伍,统帅法军,终于打败了英国侵略者,成为法国人民爱国斗争的旗帜。 对民主自由的追求。比如杰佛逊 Thomas Jefferson 主张人权平等、Free speech、宗教 Toleration 和人身自由 有时英雄可以反映社会的倾向。如:甘地 Gandhi nonviolence & noncooperation 对印度摆脱殖民统治,和统一 的热望,Martin Luther King 对取消种族歧视的追求,其实反应了黑人美国社会对种族歧视的反抗。妇女运动的领 袖被视为女性的英雄,表达了对女性解放的要求 When we make moral evaluations of the heroes, we often focus on a single dimension of their character. For our evaluation of the famous are often not meant to be thorough moral profiles but teaching tools. We tend to single out the traits we want to simulate. 所以只从英雄看社会是片面的,不能 全面反应这个社会的特征。如:比如 Cleveland 总统 confess to having an illegitimate child 了解社会特征还有许多方法,不一定这种好。如:从宗教方面,比如基督教国家就与 Islamic 国家不同,前者多 信奉基督教 Jesus 而后者多数甚至全部信认为 Mohammed 是后的 prophet of God,习俗方面,中国的新年和 西方的圣诞节。

  203.男英雄、女英雄 一、可以反映 trend and intention, 但是反映理想的状态,但是 comprehensively stand for,还有很多反映的 方式 二、It is the respect of the general populace that makes heroes and heroines chosen. 1.Why respect,因为他们的品格不是每个人都 possess,rightly meet the trend, 大众相信可以 lead a better life 2. 从这个角度,代表大众 desire,可以通过 examine 他们反映社会 3.像 Gandhi, Joan of Arc 三、the characters of heroes and heroines show only some part of the society. 1.由于被理想化,to realize some sort of ideal, their good characteristics are bound to be exaggerated and perfected, while their flaws are deliberately ignored 2.只能反映社会积极的一面,而不能反映消极的一面 3.另一方面,不能反映日常生活 四、所以不见得是 best way, 还有其他方法 1.Behavior 2. 穿着

  203T "The best way to understand the character of a society is to examine the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its heroines." 203. 理解一个社会特征的好的方 法就是研究那个社会所认为的伟大人物 ① hero 一般被传媒夸大了。他们的缺点都被视而不见,已经不是原来的那个真人。如:毛、斯大林 Stalin。idolatry ② hero 代表的是人们不可能达到的状态。是一种理想,而不一定现实中会这样做。如:圣女贞德。Joan of Arc 1412-1431) 参考事迹:英法大战中投入保卫祖国的队伍,统帅法军,终于打败了英国侵略者,成为法国人民 爱国斗争的旗帜。 ③ 有时确实可以反映社会的倾向。如:甘地 Gandhi nonviolence & noncooperation 对印度统一的热望 ④ 了解社会特征还有许多方法,不一定这种好。如:查看民众对 hero 的态度,从宗教方面,习俗方面,经济方面考察。


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