





2017-01-09 07:41:56来源:!新东方在线




  190"As long as people in a society are hungry or out of work or lack the basic skills needed to survive, the use of public resources to support the arts is inappropriate—and, perhaps, even cruel—when one considers all the potential uses of such money."


  190 同意 pressing social problems 很重要,但艺术的价值也不能忽视 1、承认需要花更多财力解决社会问题 address people's need for basic living condition According to Maslow's study, the needs of human being can be classified into two category: deficiency needs and growth needs, the former being the foundation of the latter. Deficiency needs encompass the intrinsic desire for food, water, rest and sex whereas growth needs include higher level pursuits such as aesthetic enjoyment, affiliation with people and self-actualization. People will move to growth needs if and only if deficiency needs are satisfied. Thus only when people can live comfortably will they start to show strong desire for the delight arisen from appreciation of artistic work and pursuing artistry.

  2、只要人们整体生活在贫困水平之上,就可以投入发展艺术 即使发达的国家也有贫困与失业现象,如果因此就停止发展艺术,意味着永远都没有机会发展 艺术发展 lift human spirit; enliven life; become other's oriented, less self-centered 对社会发展, charity/volunteer work 3、艺术投入也可以带来经济效益,有助于解决贫困和失业 Hangzhou, city full of legend and places of great interests, gov invest money to support artworks and performance displayed in various scenic spots, to attract more tourists from other places, boost its economy, thereby stimulating job and wealth growth

  190【题目】 As long as people in a society are hungry or out of work or lack the basic skills needed to survive, the use of public resources to support the arts is inappropriate-and, perhaps, even cruel-when one considers all the potential uses of such money.

  【翻译】 一旦人们陷于饥饿、失业或者缺乏谋生的基本技能,运用公共资源去扶持艺术是很不恰当的--并且甚至是残忍的-尤其明知这些资金所有可能的用途。

  【提纲】 (1)无论社会发展到什么程度,都会有人陷于饥饿、失业或者缺乏谋生的基本技能,比如某些残疾人等等,所以是 不可能等到没有这种情况存在的那一天的,这样按照 speaker 的说法艺术就不可能发展了。 (2)资助艺术有很多好处,第一:艺术作品可以给人精神动力,比如革命时期的一些鼓舞人心的歌曲、小说。第二: 艺术也可以帮助那些饥饿、失业或者缺乏谋生的基本技能的人,比如通过慈善晚会号召大家捐款等等,SARS 时期、 地震时都会有这样的活动。 (3)当然,也不能过于偏激,一味的扶持艺术,应该在物质和精神建设之间保持一个平衡。

  190 "As long as people in a society are hungry or out of work or lack the basic skills needed to survive, the use of public resources to support the arts is inappropriate—and, perhaps, even cruel—when one considers all the potential uses of such money." 翻译:一旦人们陷于饥饿、失业或者缺乏谋生的基本技能,运用公共资源去扶持艺术是很不恰当的——并且甚至是 残忍的——尤其明知这些资金所有可能的用途。

  提纲:反对 1. 首先,人们陷于饥饿,失业等状况历史上从没有间断过,虽然我们确实要花钱财来改善这一情况,我们不可能因 为这种状况而不投资于艺术以促进其发展,而使艺术处在空白时期。

  2. 并且,艺术本身也可以产生经济利益,当其被纳入经济体系,通过美术馆,音乐厅以及剧院,艺术成为商品化, 形成一个体系的时候,政府对艺术的资助就不会需要那么多了。例如:近年来重要的表演艺术活动,经常吸引大量 观众不远千里而来,如在北京举办的三大男高音的表演,与歌剧阿伊达的表演,带来了很大的经济利益。

  3. 更进一步地说,艺术还可以帮助解决饥饿贫穷。譬如利用艺术来吸引国际观光旅客,发展旅游经济,这可以促进 当地许多行业的发展,一定程度上解决了饥饿,就业的问题。例如。巴黎、伦敦、罗马等,如果不是其文化资产与 艺术积藏,不可能成为欧洲观光中心。还有譬如世界上很多著名的音乐家,艺术家都不需要政府的赞助,相反还能 捐献给慈善事业,帮助贫困人民。

  190 公共艺术基金 一、tempting to agree pales, 但忽略了 further function 和 Importance,而且可以解决 pressing 二、History informs us that art comes after material affluence

  三、艺术的重要性 Though, in a growing path, art is the upper stratum that relies on the basis, its significance can never be ignored. 四、不可能等到所有解决再资助 there is no society in which famine or unemployment is absolutely eliminated. 1.即使社会资源完全平等,也会有 voluntary unemployment(term, prefer idleness) 2.Supposing utopia, if we abandon, until we accomplish the ideal, too imbalanced to establish art---however unlikely to achieve utopia without art. 五、同样可以解决 pressing problems 1. 对贫穷 but gifted 艺术家资助本身就是解决社会问题, 同时 set stage 2.创造就业,保护建筑

  190T "As long as people in a society are hungry or out of work or lack the basic skills needed to survive, the use of public resources to support the arts is inappropriate—and, perhaps, even cruel—when one considers all the potential uses of such money." 190.一旦人们陷于饥饿、失业或者缺乏谋生的基本技能, 运用公共资源去扶持艺术是很不恰当的----并且甚至是残忍的----尤其明知这些资金所有可能的用途。 ① 按照 Marslow 的观点,hierarchy of needs 在生存和安全不能保障时,人们是不会有更高层次的需求的。The implicit rationale behind the speaker’s statement seems to be that cultural enrichment pales in importance compared to food, clothing, and shelter. That the latter are more fundamental is indisputable; after all, what starving person would prefer a good painting to even a bad meal? ② The second argument that public support for the arts is desirable in that by allocating public resources to the arts we actually help to solve these social problem.实际上,艺术可以为政治服务。 如:法国大革命期间的油画;又如:解决就业问题 ③ 艺术可以帮助整个社会变得更为和谐 Last but not least argument has to do with the function and ultimate objectives of arts. Arts contribute to a more charitable society—more willing to give help to those who are in need in the ways that the speaker is concerned.。如:使得我们 others-oriented, less self-centered, more giving of ourselves, a more charitable society.


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