





2017-03-16 12:29:00来源:!新东方在线




  "The media -- and society in general -- mistakenly expect an individual to speak for a particular group, whether or not that individual truly represents the views of the entire group."通常情况下,媒体和社会都希望某个个人能代表一特定群体,无论此个人能否真正地表达整个群体的观点。 1. It is reasonable that news reporters or program moderators will resort to the method of choosing individuals to express their regards, evaluations and feelings about certain event, and hope to acquire an overall views of group or the public that interviewees represent for. 2. However, different from conducing a precise and strict quantitative survey, which usually can calculate sampling error, significant level that may circumscribe the accuracy of the representative of the sample, most survey are conducted in qualitative method which lacks the ability to deduce specific outcome from a few individuals to an entire group. 3. This reminds us to keep discreet and qualified attitude toward the speech of individuals when they speak on behalf of certain groups.

  "It is primarily through our identification with social groups that we define ourselves."定位自己,主要是通过定位自己所处的社会团体。 Begin:As is so often pointed out, human society is a mass of concrete individuals who shares some characteristics with the others and also possess its unique features as well. For one single person, the groups that he attend can only represent several aspects of the overall characteristics, however, it is unwarranted and ridiculous to expand this broad assertion to embrace all the characteristics and to be used to define a person, while neglecting some of the unique personality. (from 重点) 1. 通过群体来定义是十分重要的。人的社会化的过程就是与不同的群体打交道并且找到适合自己的群体的过程。在这一群体中, 大家都有相同的特征或爱好。 2. 通过群体来定义是有危险的,有时人们会为了某种特殊的目的而呆在某个群体。如:政治家为了选举、社会学家为了获得第 一手资料、间谍为了得到特定信息。他们与这个群体中的人并不相同,但却混在一起。 3. 还有其他的方式来定义。若只通过群体来定义,等于认为一个群体中的人都有相同的特征。实际上,每个人都是独立的。通 过个人的 personality, 职业,年龄等人口学特征,还有行为方式等等。 End:From what has been discussed above, striking a balanced stress on the diversity of one individual and community should be the rational solution in the evolution of human civilization, and is the only way to maintain the initiative of the human world.

  "It is always an individual who is the impetus for innovation; the details may be worked out by a team, but true innovation results from the enterprise and unique perception of an individual."可以结合 合作与竞争(team=合作) 总是某个个人推动了革新;可能由团队完成细节,但是真正的革新来自于个人的进取心与不寻常的洞察力。 199/175 "Truly innovative ideas do not arise from groups of people, but from individuals. When groups try to be creative, the members force each other to compromise and, as a result, creative ideas tend to be weakened and made more conventional. Most original ideas arise from individuals working alone." (1) 真正创新的思想不是来自群体,而是来自个人。当一个群体试图创新时,群体中的成员使得彼此相互妥协,终削弱集体的创造 性,趋向遵循传统。大部分创造性思想来自于个人的独立工作。 Begin: 1. First of all, no one can deny the Indispensable role that played by certain individual in the pursuit of innovation. Most of the people can cite thousands of paradigmatic examples to prove the above statement, for instance, it is the Galileo's law of free fall that overthrowing the Aristotle’s deplete principles; Edison's 6,000 experiments ultimately leads the invention of lamp; the hard efforts of Bill Gates eventually contributes to the development of OS in the personal computers. (From 重点) 2. Ostensibly, most of the original ideas stem from individuals working alone, however, we should not lose our sight of the significant role which played by the team or group. With respect to the achievement made by the efforts of one single person, most of the great innovations have been fulfilled on the basis of the probing or experience of others. For one thing, return to the examples mentioned above, … 觉得不够再结合前面合作的例子。 3. In my opinion, teamwork and individual enterprise can operate synergistically to bring about innovation, especially in the cooperative society which advocates individuality. 没有个人创新的团队是一个没有生气的团队,不懂的融入到团队的个人是 不会取得成功的;只有两者结合起来,才能取得成功。 End:

  "Spending time alone makes one a better companion to others." (1) 适当的独处有利于营造更为良好的相处关系。 Mainly from 讲堂 1. 我们每个人都需要有自己的时间,而且 Spending time alone can contribute to more favorable decision and better thinking rather than a better collaborator. As Albert Einstein once said, “Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by individuals who can labor in freedom”. 或许独处对科学研究有所帮助,这里我们不作深究。However, it does not follow that one could be a better companion through spending time alone. 相反,他会使人更加 Unsociable,不愿与人交流。 2. In my opinion, it is teamwork that makes one a better companion to others. (We listen to others, chat with others, represent our own ideas to support or reject others’. And more importantly, in this procedure, we learn how to communicate with each other and make compromise for the interest of the majority when necessary.) 3. In any case, a balance should be struck between time spent with others and time spent alone. Just as no time for one’s self makes one lose himself in groups, lack of association with others will make one taciturn, unsociable and cynical.

  "The most elusive knowledge is self-knowledge, and it is usually acquired through solitude, rather than through interaction with others."难的莫过于认知自我,通常只能通过独处,而非与他人交往来了解自己。 1. Self-knowledge is elusive since evaluating oneself is difficult and most people have a vague self-image and fail to recognize themselves clearly. However, one of the essential ways to recognize oneself is introspective method. 2. However, interaction with others can also help us to see more clearly who we are.



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