





2017-01-22 13:25:00来源:!新东方在线




  154"Both parents and communities must be involved in the local schools. Education is too important to leave solely to a group of professional educators."


  154 三者要合作,教师主要


  Parents, who have been together with children since their birth, can play a significant role in educating them. Children can learn many principles in life from their parents who are behaving as models for them. For example, study shows that many children tend to learn from their parents in communicating with other people. If the parents always behave politely and considerately when talking with others in front of their children, it would be likely that the children will do this in the same way as they are communicating with their peers or classmates. In addition, parents know the best of their own children's characteristics, habits and interests, so they can give children good suggestions when they are confronted with difficult problems, and arrange the most suitable after class schedules according the children's particular conditions. Therefore, parents are quite important in ensuring a good education in life for their children.


  It is also necessary for communities where the children live to join the efforts in educating children. Communities have a society-oriented educational environment, which is not possessed by schools, to exert positive influence on the development of children in the long run. For instance, the community can organize children to work as volunteers for people who are in need of help, such as disabled children, neglected elderly and so forth. These activities can cultivate the children with the awareness of lending a helping hand to people who are in need. This is a form of education that can be obtained only through hands-on activities and experiences rather than school teaching. The function of community in educating children also lies in the vacation programs. As many children are left at home during long vocations when their parents should go to work, the community can assume the responsibility to look after and educate children by organizing them to the community center and helping them spend their vacation time in a meaningful way which could involve doing homework, communicating with others, visiting the nearby museum, playing games and so on.


  While parents and communities should be involved in children's education, they just play an auxiliary role by cooperating with school education. The main duty of educating children should be and only can be taken by professional educators. Firstly, it is in the school where children learn academic knowledge in a systematical way. Qualified teachers are trained professionals who know the best of how to motivate children and help them learn effectively. Secondly, teachers can help children with psychological problems that only could be solved by people with certain amount of expertise. Since parents who are not professionals may find it difficult to help their children get rid of those problems, communication and cooperation with teachers can be an advisable solution. Thirdly, teachers can carry out long-term strategies in educating children and help them develop skills continuously.Children spend most of their daily life at school where teachers guide them to practice many kinds of skills in a coherent way. Different from parents who may be too busy to help children with study everyday, teachers have enough time and also responsibility to do so.



  1 职业教育者在教育中的作用不可替代,他们对孩子的教育起到主要的指导作用。职业教育经过了很长时间的……达到现在这个程度。职业教育是不能被否认的。他们可以编写教材,制定校规,组织考试,而这些是学生们不能够作到的。没有人比教育者更加知道学生需要什么。但是,他们不可能关注每一个学生,也不能够面对面的教授每个学生。另外,学校的教育课程有时候太过紧张,不利于学生的心理和身体健康。

  2 因此,家长必须站出来帮助自己的孩子,参与到教育中是他们的责任。一方面,家长可以教给孩子们生活常识和道德伦理,我们这在学校里是学不到的;第二,家长可以通过面对面的交流了解孩子的学习情况以及他们的孩子的接受情况,并且与老师进行沟通看看是否能对教学计划进行改动。这样更有利于孩子接受更好的职业教育;第三,家长通过长时间与孩子住在一起,可以及时了解孩子的心理和身体健康状态,缓解学校竞争带给他们的压力。以上三点对孩子教育都很重要,缺一不可。如果没有家长,那么孩子受到的教育不完整。

  3 社区同样必须参与到教育中。每个孩子不可escape socialization,帮助孩子社会化是社区的责任。社区可以在假期给孩子提供很多兼职工作,让他们接触各种人,交流和合作,让他们理解生存的艰辛;社区可以提供很多参观实验室工厂的机会,让孩子们在学校的知识来解决他们观察到的问题。所以说,社区对于教育也是不可替代的。





  这个其实还是以教育为核心的题目,做法同ISSUE51 差不多,就不详写了

  1 教育的任务和内容

  2 满足这些内容的条件和方式

  3 家长怎么满足+社会怎么满足+老师怎么满足





  3 学校:1)统一比如:家长不能进来筛选课程,家长有自己的短见。容易有的偏商,有的技术实用。。。不利全面发展和统一规划



  4 家长和社会的作用可能是负面的:

  比如:10 岁大学生,家长一直陪伴大学,失去和同伴的成长,快乐

  社会一直舆论不断,媒体,‘天才’,打扰学习,打扰同学的看法,危害性格培养ill-mannered, presumptuous,arrogant

  孩子有大段时间是不在学校的,但其健康成长应该是全面的full-scale 教育,而不仅仅是学校教育。如:家长带孩子外出旅游,就可增加他们与大自然的接触,培养出眼界开阔的孩子broaden their horizon。若父母不参与到教育中,不在学校的时间孩子可能玩电游,或在一起看暴力片violence、或打架斗殴。但是父母虽然看起来最了解孩子,最知道孩子需要学习什么,以及学习的方式。但是他们往往会误导自己的孩子。父母对于自己生活中的某种遗憾会变成对孩子的期望,不能真正让孩子学习自己感兴趣的东西。比如父母当年喜欢物理,但是确没能在物理上有所成就。于是期望自己的孩子能在物理上有所成就,但是孩子喜欢音乐,父母的意见压抑了孩子的兴趣。


  154【题目】Both parents and communities must be involved in the local schools. Education is too important to leave solely to a group of professional educators.



  1. 必须承认,父母对于教育起着至关重要的作用,他们是孩子的第一任老师。他们真心的为孩子着想,在这一点上胜过其他任何人。至于社会,很容易知道有了社会的帮助,教育会得到诸多好处,如赞助,社会教育,人格塑造。

  2. 然而,父母虽然一心希望孩子接受最好的教育,可是实际上他们往往并不知道什么对于孩子才是好的。比如schooling at home 虽然可以选择最好的老师,最好的教育条件,但是培养出来的孩子可能会与社会不相融。另一方面,如果父母社会都参与进来,很有可能结果是效率很低,做个决定先讨论争吵半天,可能是正常的教学被影响。

  3. 而职业教育者,相对来说,有丰富的教学经验,知道什么对孩子才是好的,并且掌握科学的教育方法,可以成功的引导孩子正常的社会化,帮助孩子塑造人格,不断认识自己完善自己。从这个角度来说,家长和社会是可以放心把教育这项重任交给他们的。

  154. 家长和社区教育

  一、owing to complexity

  二、家长的重要性The outside environment of each generation is different, yet, what constant is that every born baby has parents.



  3.当然有好坏家长之分,所以eschew extreme education,还要接受其他的教育

  三、社区教育重要性Community education is the other sort of education, in which children are put in a bigger environment that is more close to society, practicing what they have learned from school and parents.

  1.Socialization 定义

  2.enlarge their eye sights, sense what others feel, and experience the communication with others

  2. responsibility, vital step for standing independently

  四、冲突there must be contradiction among education conceptions of parents, communities and schools.

  1.很可能冲突,家长与学校, invariable stringent disciplines, restrain children’s imagination and volition that may lead children to creative thoughts and behaviors, and thus may offer a different conception to their children.

  2.If this the case 让孩子选择,成长必经之路obligatory course

  3. continued availability

  五、only one dimension, more comprehensively and spurs their inspiration ,talents in full scale.

  T "Both parents and communities must be involved in the local schools. Education is too important to leave solely to a group of professional educators." 154. 家长和社会都应该参与到当地的教育中来。教育太重要了,不能把教育单独交给一群专业的老师。

  ① 家长对于自己的孩子最了解。知道自己孩子的性格特征,在什么时候进行教育是合适的。如:有的孩子适合于在玩乐中教育,有的则不听话、只有严肃的教育才当回事。特别是一些身体不好或是有残疾handicapped 的孩子,他们从身心上都需要特别照顾。老师若不了解,可能会伤害到孩子。Parents hold the ultimately legal authority to make key decisions about what and how their own children learn—including choice of curriculum and text books, pace and schedule for learning, and the extent to which their child should learn alongside other children.

  ② 孩子有大段时间是不在学校的,但其健康成长应该是全面的full-scale 教育,而不仅仅是学校教育。如:家长带孩子外出旅游,就可增加他们与大自然的接触,培养出眼界开阔的孩子broaden their horizon。若父母不参与到教育中,不在学校的时间孩子可能玩电游,或在一起看暴力片violence、或打架斗殴。

  ③ 社区对孩子的教育也十分重要。A 学校的一些活动、如历史教育需要参观历史博物馆history museum 等等。这都需要社区的配合。B 科学家指出:在良好的社区环境中成长的孩子,干净的社区环境、和谐的社区气氛对孩子成长十分有益。With the communities' participation, local schools will do better in instructing the children, especially in the respect of moral instruction.

  ④ 但两者的干涉不可过度。老师们接受过专业训练professional training、教学是有体系的,有时家长不明就里横加干涉会给老师的工作带来困难。如: 家长有时只考虑到自己孩子的利益,而老师希望孩子学会谦让、体谅他人be considerate。Parents are too subjective to always know what is truly best for their children. They may try to overcome their own shortcomings and failed self-expectations through their children's accomplishments and other decision detrimental to children's development.Parents are not necessarily best equipped to know what is best for their children when it comes to education. Too many parties become involved in making decision about day-to-day instruction, the school education would be interfered and intervened.

  B. Only a parent can truly know the unique needs of a child—including what educational choices are best suited for the child.

  C. Parents are more motivated—by pride and ego—than any other person to take whatever measures are needed to ensure their children receive the best possible education


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